Thursday, January 05, 2006

Ulang Tahun Suami

For My Husband :
"Our lives are filled with happiness when our heart are filled with love"

If I should say it means so much to see your smile, to feel your touch.
I hope you know I'm trying to show you're everything to me.
If I should say that I've had fun, enjoyed the many things we've done.
I hope you know I'm trying to show I'm happy as can be.

If I should say that deep inside I'm filled with such a special pride-
I hope you know I'm trying to show you've made my dream come true,
And even though I seldom say the things I feel for you each day-
I hope you know I'm trying to show I'm so in love with you.


with love : Estherlita

bersambung ke : ULANG TAHUN PAPA 2006


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